While rehearsing Tuck Everlasting, the theater students at Maple Grove Senior High visited with Andrew Keenan-Bolger, who flew in from New York to conduct a theater workshop and share his experience in the lead role as Jesse Tuck on Broadway.
While rehearsing Tuck Everlasting, the theater students at Maple Grove Senior High visited with Andrew Keenan-Bolger, who flew in from New York to conduct a theater workshop and share his experience in the lead role as Jesse Tuck on Broadway.
This picture placed first in the Activities & Events category for the 2018 Focus on Maple Grove photo contest.
Their newest book teaches a foundational approach to understanding dogs’ needs and our role as providers for their needs.
If you have children and pets, it’s important to research each plant first before bringing it into your home.
Arts & Harmony runs February 22-March 28.
Top off Valentine’s Day with scrumptious desserts.
Open to the public, the church’s annual Valentine’s Carnival is set from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. February 9.
Forget flowers and chocolates - give the gift of experience.
Breaking up is hard to do, especially during February—aka Valentine’s Day's host month. Days leading up to 2.14 are festooned with hearts, flowers, sweets and romance (genuine and otherwise). But some good things must come to an end, including, on occasion, your relationship with—a tree.
Scott O’Leary isn’t your typical athlete. His desire and drive for physical fitness didn’t take shape until shortly before his 50th birthday.
In 2006, Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of the country, leaving many lives and homes from central Florida to eastern Texas in shambles. For Lynne Bengston, the need to head to the area of devastation and help the animals that had been displaced in the wake of the storm was top of mind.
Tell people you’re going to a Single Circles gathering, and they might think you’re headed to a dating event. Nope. Not really. This group has a queen/king and banner raids, but we’ll get to that.
Beth Thibodeau and her husband Jon served in the department together for more than a decade.